5 Segal houses in Sheffield.
all Pictures via Nick Parsons

One was a one-off

 4 were the Woodways self-build scheme.


Nick Parsons Writes
Also  a Segal-inspired Garden Room, a ‘baby Segal’ porch, 2 Segal-inspired extensions and (this summer) a large double car-port and workshop. A further Segal extension awaits Planning approval.

I also run Segal-based courses in Derbyshire, and one of my ex-students has recently sent me pics of his Segal-style shed (built after a one-day course!)!
The pic marked ‘roof rig’ is of a Segal structure, the product of 3 Segal courses, with a lean-to roof down to ground level allowing roofing courses to be run without working at heights. It is also used for lime rendering and plastering courses.

Nick Parsons  Deatails are
Sustainable Building
Training, Green building,
Consultancy, Surveys
Sheffield, South Yorkshire
0794 107 2313